Python script to compare and merge excel files
Here I’m talking about a cool Python module using that you can compare two sheets in an excel sheet for a common value and merge the sheets. First you need to install the module “pandas” for the solution. Python script is as below : import pandas as pd source1_df = pd.read_excel('a.xlsx', sheetname='Sheet1') source2_df = pd.read_excel('a.xlsx', sheetname='Sheet2') joined_df = pd.merge(source1_df,source2_df,on='Serial',how='outer') joined_df.to_excel('result.xlsx') Note : replace the sheet1 and sheet2 with actual name of the pages and use the correct primary key name(Here “Serial”; case sensitive) Eg : sheet1 as below Serial Hostname 123 abc 234 bcd 345 cde Sheet2 as below Serial Model 234 Sparc 345 IBM 567 HP After executing the python script, output comes as below : Serial Hostname Model ...