Python script to check ssh login on multiple hosts against a common password
Below python script can be used to check ssh login on multiple hosts against a common password and print the output to different files based on status. It prompts user to enter the password and check it against all the hostname in the input_file. To speed up the process, I’m using multithreading module which run the jobs in parallel to accomplish the task faster. This script works with Python3.5 version
Enjoy :)
#!/bin/python3 import threading, time, paramiko, socket, getpass from queue import Queue locke1 = threading.Lock() q = Queue() #Check the login def check_hostname(host_name, pw_r): with locke1: print ("Checking hostname :"+str(host_name)+" with " + threading.current_thread().name) file_output = open('output_file','a') file_success = open('success_file','a') file_failed = open('failed_file','a') file_error = open('error_file','a') ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(host_name, username='root', password=pw_r, timeout=5) #print ("Success") file_success.write(str(host_name+"\n")) file_success.close() file_output.write("success: "+str(host_name+"\n")) file_output.close() # printing output if required from remote machine #stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command("hostname&&uptime") #for line in stdout.readlines(): # print (line.strip()) except paramiko.SSHException: # print ("error") file_failed.write(str(host_name+"\n")) file_failed.close() file_output.write("failed: "+str(host_name+"\n")) file_output.close() #quit() except paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError: #print ("might be windows------------") file_output.write("failed: " + str(host_name + "\n")) file_output.close() file_failed.write(str(host_name+"\n")) file_failed.close() #quit() except socket.gaierror: #print ("wrong hostname/dns************") file_output.write("error: "+str(host_name+"\n")) file_output.close() file_error.write(str(host_name + "\n")) file_error.close() except socket.timeout: #print ("No Ping %%%%%%%%%%%%") file_output.write("error: "+str(host_name+"\n")) file_output.close() file_error.write(str(host_name + "\n")) file_error.close() ssh.close() def performer1(): while True: hostname_value = q.get() check_hostname(hostname_value,pw_sent) q.task_done() if __name__ == '__main__': print ("This script checks all the hostnames in the input_file with your standard password and write the outputs in below files: \n1.file_output\n2.file_success \n3.file_failed \n4.file_error \n") f = open('output_file', 'w') f.write("-------Output of all hosts-------\n") f.close() f = open('success_file', 'w') f.write("-------Success hosts-------\n") f.close() f = open('failed_file', 'w') f.write("-------Failed hosts-------\n") f.close() f = open('error_file', 'w') f.write("-------Hosts with error-------\n") f.close() with open("input_file") as f: hostname1 = #Read the standard password from the user pw_sent=getpass.getpass("Enter the Password:") start_time1 = time.time() for i in hostname1: q.put(i) #print ("all the hostname : "+str(list(q.queue))) for no_of_threads in range(10): t = threading.Thread(target=performer1) t.daemon=True t.start() q.join() print ("Check output files for results") print ("completed task in" + str(time.time()-start_time1) + "seconds")
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